
Facilitative Coaching: A Toolkit for Expanding Your Repertoire and Achieving Lasting Results
by Dale Schwarz and Anne Davidson (Pfeiffer/Wiley 2008)
Our book offers coaches and professionals who are committed to guiding others development, a resource for expanding their repertoire to include a full range of creative interventions and approaches for working with today's clients. It is also for anyone who wants to grow and learn. Available from Amazon.

Freedom from Traps
writing and illustrations by Guillermo Cuéllar (2010)
A true moving story about how a man and a hawk communicated; trusted each other and found freedom. Available from Blurb.
Published Art
Book cover painting: Emily Dickinson – Her True Colors, oil painting by Guillermo Cuellar: Sharon Leiter. Critical Companion to Emily Dickinson: A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work, Facts on File, Inc. NY. NY. 2006.
Original Works of Art
Dale Schwarz has artwork that is available for purchase. Mediums include watercolors, acrylic paint and mixed media.
Audio & Video Publications

The Book of Joy - a video
Written, illustrated and read by Dale Schwarz (2022).
Click on the image for 2 minutes of joy!

Talking Art with Guillermo
An interview between host Jane Trigère and artist Guillermo Cuellar. Recorded by Frontier Community Access Television at the Deerfield Arts Bank in South Deerfield, MA. (2016). Highlights: The Visionary Missionary, Painting Emily Dickinson, Portraits and Hawks.

Talking Art with Dale
An interview between host Jane Trigère and artist Dale Schwarz. Recorded by Frontier Community Access Television at the Deerfield Arts Bank in South Deerfield, MA. (2016). Highlights: Watercolor, Medium, How to Write a Book, New England Art Therapy Institute, Death and Transformation.

Talking Art - Special Edition Part 1 - Guillermo Cuellar
Jane Trigere takes Talking Art on an adventure to The Leverett Crafts and Arts Center in Leverett, MA. Here she interviews Guillermo Cuellar about his battle with cancer and the beautiful and inspirational art that it influenced. This was shot by Frontier Community Access Television on August 29, 2016.

Talking Art - Special Edition Part 2 - Dale Schwarz
Jane Trigere takes Talking Art on an adventure to The Leverett Crafts and Arts Center in Leverett, MA. Here she interviews Dale Schwarz about Guillermo's battle with cancer and the beautiful and inspirational art that it influenced. This was shot by Frontier Community Access Television on August 29, 2016.
Published Article and Book Chapter contributions
Coaching and Organizational Change
“Creative Approaches to Continuous Development”, Anne Davidson and Dale Schwarz. In Supervision in Coaching edited by Jonathan Passmore. Kogan Page. 2011.
“The Facilitative Coach”, co-authored by Dale Schwarz and Anne Davidson (chapter included in The Skilled Facilitator Fieldbook, by Roger Schwarz, Anne Davidson, Sue McKinney, Peg Carlson and Contributors, Jossey Bass, 2005). An overview of the Facilitative Coach approach.
“Using Creative and Survival Cycles to See and Shift Mental Models,” Guillermo Cuéllar. The Skilled Facilitator Fieldbook. R. Schwarz, A. Davidson, P. Carson, S. McKinney and contributors. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2005, pp. 433-436. A description of The Life Learning Model™ developed by Guillermo Cuéllar, a framework that helps people understand and change their fear-based survival patterns and embrace creative, proactive, results-oriented choices.
“Making Art of Work” by Dale Schwarz (Published in the Journal for the Association for Quality and Participation, Vol. 24, No. 1 , Spring 2001). A case for incorporating visual expression into the workplace.
Art Therapy and Personal Transformation
“Artistic Expression for Growth and Transformation: Interview with Dale Schwarz About Art Therapy and its Benefits.” Many Hands: A Magazine for Holistic Health (Summer 2012).
“Art Therapy: A Healing Encounter” by Dale Schwarz. An insight into what art therapy is and how Dale began her journey. The Valley Optimist April 27, 1992.
Organizations and Diversity
"The New Challenge: For the Good of All,” G. Cuéllar. The Promise of Diversity: Over 40 Voices Discuss Strategies for Eliminating Discrimination in Organizations. Cross, E.Y.; Katz, J.H.; Miller, F.A.; Seashore, E. W.; eds. Alexandria, VA: NTL Institute, 1995, pp. 240-243.
“Raising a Multicultural Team,” Cuéllar and Halverson. Cultural Diversity At Work. Seattle, WA: The GilDeane Group, 1995, Volume 7 Number 6, pp. 1-6.
“Diversity and T Group Development: Reaping The Benefits,” Halverson, Cuéllar. Reading Book for Human Interaction. Jackson-Brown, I. V.; ed. Alexandria, VA: NTL Institute, 1999, pp. 109-116.
“Diversity and Team Development”, Halverson and Cuéllar. Pfeiffer's Classic Activities for Diversity Training. Jack Gordon, editor. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, Inc., San Francisco, CA 2005 pp. 51-61.
Our Organizational Connections
The New England Art Therapy Institute [NEATI] a division of The Center for Creative Consciousness, Inc. This site provides information about NEATI.
Roger Schwarz & Associates offers consulting for leaders and leadership teams about how to have difficult conversations and get to the heart of the matter. Dale is an associate here.
American Art Therapy Association [AATA] information on graduate level educational programs in Art Therapy and the field of Art Therapy.